Monday, March 28, 2005

Hello Honky Tonk Angels!!

Well here is where it starts girls. I have created this little website so that over the next few months it will be easy for us to keep in touch about the show and everything that is going on. I have started indepth research about the show, and I am going to try my best to keep you all abreast of my finds over this website. I also hate to break it to you, but these roles are also going to involve some homework for the both of you. Granted it will be the fun kind (reading, listening to songs, and watching clips) BUT homework nonetheless.
Over the Easter holiday I had the chance to sit down and read Ellis Nassour's biography Honky Tonk Angel; the Intimate Story of Patsy Cline. I am suggesting that both of you find this book (they have a copy at the library which I currently have) and read it, or buy it off of Amazon ($6) so that you can jot down notes in the sidelines. That is what I am going to do, and then re-read it for actual facts (I just read it for fun this weekend). There are a few other biographies out there, but supposedly this is the most thorough. I did find out from this book that the relationship between Patsy and Louise is in fact a TRUE story. You will both be able to read the book for backstory on your characters. Over the next week I am going to try and do some research over the internet about the relationship of both women, and see if more information on Louise Seger exsists. I will be catching you up with that over the next week.
In regards to the recording... listen to and begin to learn it backwards and forwards. I have gotten to the point that I play it about 5 times a day at work, and begin to go through withdrawl if I do not hear it at least once. Patty, begin to get familiar with that music that the actress sings, but do not depend on that CD for you phrasing etc. Although her impression is fine... a Patsy Cline she is not. I will begin recording you the copies of my CDS, and try to get them to you this week. I will do the same for you Neesie, because as Louise says *in regards to knowing Patsy's music*, "Why yes ma'am I do (know the music)...every word and every beat!" We need to know her backwards and forwards. We also need to find clips of her singing to get down her movements. Supposedly she could never sit still on stage, and in fact had the gracefulness of a dancer onstage. It is funny, but the more I read about her this weekend, the more excited I got about you playing this part Patty. It is gonna take some kick ass acting (even though you speak very little) BUT I think it will come easily for you. We do have the good fortune of being able to also watch the movie that they did about her with Jessica Lange (Sweet Dreams). Her friends discussed how well she did at capturing the role so that is a good start. I would love to find clips of her on Ed Sullivan or Dick Clark to watch her showmanship. Also, there is an ever elusive movie of the show Always Patsy Cline, Patty has like 15 minutes of it on VHS. WE ALL NEED TO BEGIN SEARCHING FOR THAT!!
I will post thoughts on characterization as the show progresses. Something to think about Denise as you begin to get familiar with Louise is thoughts on her accent. I love the accent that the actress uses on the CD. Her readings are very Holly Hunter or Sandy Dennis a la Mona in Come Back to the Five and Dime Jimmy, Dean Jimmy Dean. She talks like she has a mouthful of gravel in her mouth... with very hard R's... like a "rah" instead of an "are"... which is all very Texan.
Costuming and makeup are going to play a big part of the show also. Patty I am thinking that we will have 3 different costumes for you character in the show. It makes mention of the pink suit in the stage version, and then in the book it discusses the actual outfit Patsy was wearing the day her and Louise went to KIKK and talked to Hal Harris. I am not sure if we are going to go dramaturgically correct, or if we are going to just try to show some Patsy style. I am sure it will depend on budget. I know one of the outfits will for certain be her trademark western girl skirt and blouse with fringe, cowgirl hat, and boots. I would love to show off one of Patsy's New York style sophisticated looks, but we shall see what happens later on. This will involve a few different wigs, and lots of her trademark RED lipstick (which means we are going to have to create some lips on you Patty). As I see it now you will begin the show in your cowgirl outfit for the Opry, change into the Pink suit for the meeting of Louise, and change a third time when you all get to the hotel and are about to catch a plane. If we are dramaturgically correct you will actually being wearing the exact outfit Louise describes in the play but in a different color, OR we could make it funnier with you coming out all dolled up in her New York style which is a bigger contrast to what Louise describes herself as wearing. Think on it. As for Louise I am not sure how I am going to go with your costumes in regards to changes. It is a slippery slope when you begin to block this show because you have to decide how much interaction you want the women to have, and how much the story is just a recollection and all a memory for Louise. I want to find a happy medium... and therefore it will involve at least one costume change for you but possibly more. Both of you should begin to look for at least one good pair of boots. I am telling you this now so that anytime you are out and about you can stop buy a thrift store and try to find something cheap. I would love fringe on them... but will settle for whatever can be found. We will talk more indepth about costuming later on, but just wanted you to know where I was headed on the issue.
Otherwise I think mostly I just want you both to know that I am meeting with Karen tomorrow night. We are going to set budget, and talk of the particulars for the show. I will post all that information for you both then. If you have any comments or questions you can post them on this site also. The three of us, Karen, and possibly set director and musical director will have the ability to post on this site.... meanwhile everyone involved with the show and the board will be able to access it to see our progress here.


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